Plant Physiology Quiz on Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is the most important anabolic process on earth by which green plants (autotrophic organisms) synthesize complex carbohydrates from simple substances like carbon dioxide and water with the help of light energy and purify the atmospheric air by consuming carbon dioxide and evolving oxygen. The process of photosynthesis can also be defined as the transformation of photonic energy (i.e., light or radiant energy) into chemical energy (locked in high energy bonds of carbohydrate molecules) by the green parts of the plants. The mechanism studied for photosynthesis demonstrated the existence of two phases: light (photochemical phase) and dark phase (biosynthetic phase). Read more>>

1. TCA cycle starts with
oxaloacetic acid
pyruvic acid
alpha ketoglutaric acid
carbon dioxide and water
2. During photosynthesis
glucose is produced during light reaction and ATP during dark reaction
glucose is produced during dark reaction and ATP during light reaction
both glucose and ATP are produced during both light and dark reaction
both glucose and ATP are produced only during both light and dark reaction
3. The first stable compound of Calvin Benson cycle is
malic acid
4. Kranz anatomy is present in
C3 plants
C4 plants
CAM plants
All of the above
5. What is the first step in photosynthesis?
formation of ATP
Ionization of water
Attachment of carbon dioxide to five carbon sugar
Excitement of an electron of chlorophyll a by a photon of light
6. In photosynthesis the role of chlorophyll is
as an inhibitor in the reaction
as one of the reactants
to convert light energy into chemical energy
as a catalyst in the reactions of carbon dioxide and water
7. Light is necessary during photosynthesis for
opening of stomata
evolution of Hydrogen
Photolysis of water
8. The most effective wavelength of visible light in photosynthesis is in the region
9. Hill reaction is concerned with th e production of
reducing agent like NADPH2 and oxygen from H2O in chloroplasts
oxygen due to photolysis in chloroplasts
reducing agents like TPNH2 and ATP in chloroplasts
reducing agents like TPNH2 or NADPH2 and ATP in Mitochondria
10. For chlorophyll formation in plants elements needed are
Iron and Calcium
Iron and Magnesium
Sodium and Copper
Calcium and Potassium
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