HomeEnvironmental Science Quiz Contemporary Environmental Issues Practice Test | Environmental Science Quiz 1.The sum of diffused and diret solar radiation, is called Continental solar radiation Global solar radiation Continental Solar radiation Universal solar radiation 2.Which of the following greenhouse gases has contributed the most to the global warming Methane ozone nitrous oxide carbon dioxide 3.Which country has opted out of Paris Agreement on Climate change USA Canada Australia Russia 4.Following initiative under international efforts made to have household eco-friendly refrigerators: Kyoto protocol Montreal Protocol CITES Basal convention 5.International ozone day is celebrated on 21st April 5th June 22nd April 16th September 6.Snow blindness is caused due to: Ultra-violet radiations Excessive flux of visible radiations Infra-red radiations Microwave radiations 7.Ultaviolet radiations are lethal dur to inactivation of Proteins, nucleic acid and pigments Minerals, water and air Carbohydrates, fats and vitamins O2, CO2 and water 8.Which of the following does not lead to global warming N20 Black carbon aerosols Tropospheric ozone Stratospheric ozone 9.Which of the following gases faclitates formation of tropospheric ozone NO2 CO SO2 NH3 10.Laterite soil Regolith soil Red soil Black cotton soil Glacial soil Score = Correct answers: Practice more: Practice Test on Environmental Science Tags: Environmental Science Quiz UGC NET Environmental Science Practice Test Facebook Twitter