HomeBotany Quiz Plant Anatomy Quiz | Plant Science Quiz 1. The Casparian strip is usually composed of Suberin Lignin Pectin Chitin 2. Ridged and furrowed xylem cylinder with phloem wedges is characteristic of secondary growth in the stem of Bignonia Serjania Dracaena Boerhaavia 3. Albuminous cells are present in Monocotyledonous plants Hydrophytes Gymnosperms Bryophytes 4. Labyrinthine cell wall enveloped by plasma membrane is characteristic of Lenticels Sieve tubes Transfer cells Guard cells 5. Tyloses are Resin ducts Tracheal plugs Specialized laticeferous canals Composite sieve plate 6. In Dracaena, secondary vascular bundle is Amphivasal Collateral Amphicribral Bicollataral 7. Zimmermann proposed apical theory tunica corpus theory telome theory cell theory 8. Wood that entirely lacks vessel homoxylous wood non porous wood early wood soft wood 9. Abnormal functioning of cambium and multiple cambial ring formation leads to anomalous secondary growth inn Eupatorium Boerhavia Bauhinia Bignonia 10. In amphivasal vascular bundles Xylem is seen on either side of the phloem Xylem and phloem are arranged side by side Peripherally arranged phloem elements enclose a mass of xylem Peripherally arranged xylem elements enclose a mass of phloem Score = Correct answers: Tags: Botany Quiz MCQ on Plant Anatomy Plant Science Quiz Facebook Twitter